Naw, just havin' a bit of fun with yez, there. TRANSPOSING in Noteworthy is VERY simple. Open any Noteworthy tune and click ANYwhere on the page. Press (ALT) and (T) keys to bring up the TOOLS menu. Press the (T) key again to open the TRANSPOSITION window. NOTE: UN-CHECK the little box marked "Update Staff Playback Transposition" or the sound you get, even though you change the key, will be the same as previously heard. (I don't know why it's there... it's a mystery to me...) Just trust me. At the top of the box you'll see "Transpose by how many semitones" and a box where you can insert either a positive or a negative number. I still haven't the foggiest as to what I'll get for any number of semitones up or down... it's largely a matter of experimentation for me, but then, I DON'T READ MUSIC, DO I ? DON'T SAVE NUFFINK JUST YET! You have the option (should you screw this up, as I so often do) of reverting to the original key by pressing (CTRL) and ( Z ): this will undo the change and allow you another chance to find the key you really intended to change the thing to. (I use it ALL the time.) SAVE ONLY WHEN SURE THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED. ONCE YOU'VE SAVED THE FILE, 'AT'S IT, LADDIE! Bingo! You've now transposed the staff to the new key! (Tip: Before doing any of this, save a copy of the file to your hard drive as -MOD or -WKG and do the transpositions on that one, so you'll always have the original to go back to. ) For MULTIPLE STAVE Pieces, you must do this for EACH STAFF, including any HIDDEN STAVES. (Hidden Staves? What the HELL is he on about now?) AHA! Thought I'd catch you on that one. (There WILL be a test at the end of the class!) MANY of the tunes here have a hidden staff to allow such things as trills, fermatae, turns, etc. to play correctly. To find out if the piece you're working on has a hidden staff, (and if there are any of the foregoing noted above the staff line you most assuredly DO have one), press the (ALT) and ( F ) keys then the ( G ) key and a dialog box will open called PAGE SETUP. In the RIGHT HAND PANE you will see all staves contained on the page shewn. IF ANY DO NOT HAVE A CHECK MARK IN THEM, THEY ARE NOT VISIBLE ON THE SCREEN WHEN VIEWING THE TUNE, NOR WILL THEY BE PRINTED OUT. Check the un-checked boxes off, tell the box OK and you will now see the hidden staff. MOST USUALLY in the tunes you'll find here, this was done to enter a trill while conforming to the convention of placing a "tr" over the note to be trilled. TRANSPOSE ALL THE STAVES APPROPRIATELY and then press (ALT) and ( F ), then ( G ) again, uncheck the staves that were hidden previously, kiss the dialog box on the .... cheek, and you'll be back to your original view but now with all staves rendering the same key. Now try playing the file and, if all is well, save it with a new name or modify the old one so you can tell the difference. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Teach? I'd rather be a peddler!" (Richard III) BACK TO INSTRUCTIONS PAGE BACK TO O'CAROLAN'S PAGE BACK TO O'NEILL'S PAGE BACK TO THE MAIN PAGE |